Tips for Communicating With a Staffing Agency

job seeker tipsAfter you’ve applied at a staffing agency and they’ve determined that Yes, your background and experience match the type of jobs they typically fill, it’s time to follow up with a phone call.
Keep in mind that recruiters juggle calls from candidates and clients all day, every day. They meet dozens of people per week. Until you get to know your recruiter well, refresh their memory about who you are each time you call:

  • State your first and last name clearly.
  • Remind them who you are, when you first came in and what type of work you are looking for.
  • Refresh their memory of where you left off. (“You said you were going to send my information for the forklift position in Denver, I’m calling to follow up.”)
  • Keep your communications positive.
  • Ask if there are other openings you might be a match for.
  • Thank them for their time and ask them how often they would like you to call.

That’s it. Don’t be discouraged if the first staffing agency you meet with doesn’t have anything that matches your background and experience. Most staffing agencies have a niche (Employment Solutions is labor, industrial and manufacturing.) Within that niche, they may have further requirements that aren’t a match for you. Don’t let it get you down! Call the next staffing agency, give them a description of your background and what you are looking for and ask if it is a match.

Stay positive in your communications. I know that if a person sounds negative to me on the phone, I worry about sending them to one of my clients where they may be negative as well. In the meantime, stay tuned to this blog for more job search tips.

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