3 Things that Make You a Great Manager

Colorado Supervisor Jobs | Be a Great managerSupervising employees isn’t as easy as it seems when you are trying to promote a productive workplace, offer constructive criticism about work performance and keep the employees happy working alongside you. The Employment Solutions team has worked with individuals seeking positions in management and shared valuable advice as to how they can excel in their next supervisory position. If you are seeking supervisor-level employment, Employment Solutions can help you find and retain a supervisor job by giving you tips on how to earn the respect of other employees while also meeting productivity goals set by your own supervisor.

Colorado Supervisor Jobs

To become an asset to your new company, here are 3 things that make you a great manager which will help you get off on the right foot at your new job.

  1. Talk to those workers whom you will supervise.

If you are managing a large amount of employees, separate them into groups based on their tasks so the topics discussed are relevant to the employees present. Begin by introducing yourself and then ask them to each type on their computers what they feel would improve their job satisfaction, create a happier workplace and increase productivity. For this exercise, typing versus writing allows for a greater sense of anonymity, which will result in more truthful responses. Once they are finished, ask them to cut the ideas and comments into separate strips of paper and place in a basket. Then, read each one aloud and ask that they voice their opinions or raise their hands if they agree with the statement.

  1. Ask each employee to write their job title and a list of their daily, weekly and monthly job duties.

By understanding what each employee actually does during the workday, you will be able to assess whether company needs are being met and if tasks need to be shared, exchanged, added or discontinued to increase productivity.

  1. Hold daily or weekly team meetings to make sure everyone is functioning as a team to meet goals.

During these meetings allow the employees to share ideas and be a part of the solution to project obstacles or workplace difficulties that are affecting the team. To reinforce the team bond, allow employees a short period of time to socialize prior to each meeting. Finally, once a month, host team-building exercises that include all company employees to ensure the workplace is an enjoyable place to work.

Find Supervisor Jobs in Colorado

If you are in search of employment as supervisor, Employment Solutions works with top companies in your area that are looking for qualified management-level employees. Schedule a resume review with Employment Solutions today to find the perfect position for you!

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