8 Signs Your New Job is a Keeper

When it comes to finding a new job, sometimes the process can feel like, “love at first sight.” But, in the long run, how do you know if a new job is a keeper? Consider these eight signs:

Connection – Does the new job connect with your core mission? Do you have confidence and believe in the product or services offered? Because a job takes up most of your days for hopefully a long time, your job, in many ways, should reflect who you are.
Comradery – Overall, how does “the team” mesh? Is there a good system in place for communication and understanding you can relate to that tends to keep the working environment well-balanced?
Mutual aspirations – Is the new job taking you places you want to go? Does,the short-term vision and long-term vision fit your needs in a way that you see yourself as a vital part of the team year after year?
Stress relievers – Does the job have effective stress relievers that will meet your needs?
Value – Does management have the ability to help you feel valued year after year?
Opportunity for Growth – Does the new job offer opportunity for growth and, if not, is this something you can live with?
Compensation Package – Since your bills will never go away, does the salary or hourly wage fit into your budget? If not, this mismatch will quickly collapse into frustration.
Doesn’t Feel Like Work – When the right job is found, your days will be filled with so much satisfaction that work will not feel like work, but pleasure in seeing some of your  life goals and dreams come true.
To find out more about the right job for you,get in touch with Employment Solutions today.

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