What to Do When Your Job Is Stressing You Out!

What to do when your work is stressing you out | Denver Employment | Employment SolutionsWork and stress seem to go hand-in-hand. Project deadlines, productivity goals and complications with your boss or co-workers can send your stress levels through the roof.

A recent study from the American Psychological Association found that over one third of American workers are battling chronic work stress. Not only is this stress costing billions of dollars in medical bills, but it’s also affecting the quality of life for these workers.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, here are some tips to help you regain your sanity and keep stress at bay.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly releases feel-good chemicals that relieve stress naturally. Whenever you’re feeling stressed, get up from your desk and move around, stretch, dance, or take a walk around the office.

When you get your body moving, you get your blood and endorphins flowing, which makes you feel good and squashes the fight or flight response dead in its tracks.

Eat Right

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and omega-3 fatty acids from fish or hemp seeds. Processed unhealthy foods can make you feel anxious and may even contribute to ADD. Keeping your body nourished will help you better cope with stress and overcome the challenges you face in the workplace.

Sleep More

Stress is amplified when you’re sleep deprived. Do your best to get eight hours of sleep every night. A good night’s sleep will help you solve problems, eliminate brain fog and boost your intelligence.

Take Up Meditation

Meditating on a regular basis – even just five minutes a day – can help lower blood pressure and allow you to get control of your stress-triggering thoughts. If you’re feeling stressed about a deadline or an issue with your boss, shake it off, sit down, and take five minutes to meditate.

Just Say “No”

When your plate is full, learn how to say “no.” Most of us feel that we have to say “yes” to everything out of fear of being disliked. But if you can’t realistically take on another task, run another errand or work on another project, just say “no.” Explain that you’re overcommitted and simply cannot take on anything more.

Cultivate Gratitude

Things never go according to plan; such is the way of life. It’s inevitable. But we tend to focus on the negative when things go awry. The next time you find yourself focusing on the negative events of the day, redirect your thoughts and cultivate gratitude for all of the great things you have in your life. Every night, write down three things that you are thankful for. Gratitude will help you stay focused on the good and remain positive – two natural stress fighters.

Don’t let workplace stress get you down. Use these tips to de-stress and unwind when the walls feel like they’re closing in.

Denver Employment

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