How to Blow the Dust Off of Your Interviewing Skills

Preparing for a job interview can cause stress, especially if you haven’t had to interview for a position for some time. Here at Employment Solutions, we are committed to helping those on the job hunt be successful in achieving their employment goals.

Here are some suggestions from Employment Solutions for ways you can blow the dust off of your interviewing skills:

Nonverbal communication is king. What you don’t say in an interview is just as important as the words that come out of your mouth. Your nonverbal communication skills can make or break your interview. The way you carry yourself communicates your level of confidence to those in the interview room. Practice standing and sitting with a straight, confident posture. Make sure you are comfortable making eye contact with those in the room, and wow them with a strong handshake right when you walk in the door.
Make sure there is a give and take in the conversation. Practice good listening skills in the interview. Consider bringing a notebook to write down important information shared during the interview. Make note of the pace and style of the interviewer or interviewers and try to match it. Keep your answers concise, don’t ramble on, and demonstrate that you are listening to what is being said.
Consider taking an improv class. Reach out to your local improv troupe or theatre. There are often one-time or shorter workshop classes that are offered for those less familiar with performing. Taking an improv class can help improve your self-confidence, increase your communication skills, and reduce tension and feelings of self-doubt. This skills you learn an improv class will help sharpen your responses in a job interview.
Dress for the part. Too often, job applicants make the mistake of not checking the dress code of the company. Make sure that you are appropriately dressed—not too fancy, not too casual. If the dress code is not listed on the company website, do not hesitate to call and make an inquiry.
Carry yourself with class. When people get nervous, it is easy to fall into unhealthy patterns, such as using inappropriate language, trying to be confident but instead appearing cocky, or becoming too familiar with the interviewer. Make sure that you are carrying yourself with professionalism. Choose your words carefully, and make sure the conversation doesn’t veer off into any unsavory territory.
Answer and ask questions thoughtfully and completely. It may seem like common sense, but make sure that you take care to answer the questions that are posed completely. All too often, folks let their nerves get the best of them and they give answers that don’t directly answer the questions they were just asked. Equally important is having a list of questions prepared to ask the interviewers, such as “What qualities and skills do you feel a person is this position needs to possess to succeed,” or “What is your favorite part of working here?” are good places to start.
Don’t skimp on the research. While there is an improvisational quality to any interview, it is important to go into the interview as prepared as possible. Review the website of the company as well as their social media feeds. Being knowledgeable about the company is not something you should take the chance on “winging it.” Comprehensive research about the company and its culture is one of the best things you can do to increase your likelihood of acing any interview.
The interview starts from the moment you park your car. As soon as you exit the parking garage, Uber or bus and start walking to the building, the interview has begun. If you stop for coffee on the way in, it’s possible that folks from the company will be there as well. Make sure to carry yourself well in the moments before the interview itself.

Follow these recommendations from Employment Solutions, and your interview skills will stand out!

Employment Solutions has over twenty years of success helping people with their employment goals. Contact Employment Solutions today to make sure your job interview rival even the biggest competition. Employment Solutions is your local expert in paring employees with employers at some of the best companies for which to work.

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