Interviewing Myths You Should Stop Believing

Going in for a job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience. If you’ve been working for any length of time, you may have accumulated several interviewing myths which may now be grossly outdated.

Here at Employment Solutions, we have taken the time to address some of the most common interviewing myths to help you keep your interviewing skill set current.

The resume does all the work for you. While your resume sets you apart enough to be brought in for an interview, that does not mean that the interviewer or interviewers know everything there is about you. Don’t assume that the interviewer has a comprehensive knowledge of your resume. While they may have taken a few notes, keep in mind, there are several other resumes in their files as well. Make sure you sell yourself and your skill set during the interview.
You can’t know what they will throw at you, so it is a waste of time to prepare. This could not be further from the truth! Doing research about the company is one of the most intelligent things you can do to prepare for an interview. It is also within bounds to ask about the details of interview itself: who will be in attendance, etc. This may give you greater insight into the type of questions that may be posed to you.
The interviewer is in charge of the interview. While it is your responsibility to show respect to and create a rapport with the interviewer, it is crucial to remember that they do not hold all of the cards. It is possible that they may not be experienced at conducting an interview and you will need to find a way to showcase your accomplishments in your answers to come off as an ideal candidate. They may also have not prepared a list of questions ahead of time. You hold power in the interview as the candidate. Use it to your advantage.
All interview questions have a correct response. All too often, candidates search for the proper answer to a question as if they were taking their SATs all over again. Before answering a question, take a moment to reflect about what information they are trying to get out of you by asking it. Take the time to answer the question directly and with your unique sensibilities so they get an idea of what you bring to the table that other candidates would not.
The most qualified person always gets the job. While skill level and qualifications are of course taken into consideration, personality is a huge factor in a hiring process. Human Resource managers have shared that they have hired applicants that were friendlier but less skilled over more talented competition. This is because they were able to picture the friendlier applicant fitting better into the culture of the company. Make sure you are able to demonstrate your ability to be personable as well as the skills on your resume.
Thank you notes are outdated. While it is true that a mailed thank you card may not be the most effective way to follow up after an interview, do not hesitate to send a friendly email. Thank the committee for the opportunity and consider extending the answer to a question you wish you had answered more fully, or information about your background that may not have been shared during the interview itself. Regardless of the length, make sure to send a follow up message that expresses gratitude and excitement for the possibility of working with the company.
There is advice that applies to all interviews. Simply put, no two interviews will be the same. Take advice with a grain of salt and be ready to be adaptive to the interviewer’s style and tone. Go into the interview with confidence and a readiness to talk about your accomplishments, but also bring enough flexibility so that you can be prepared for anything that gets thrown at you.

Avoid adhering to these outdated interview myths, and you’ll be on the path to success in no time! Reach out to Employment Solutions when you are ready to take your job search to the next level.

Employment Solutions has the in-depth, up to date knowledge about interviewing in today’s marketplace. Contact Employment Solutions today to start on your path to employment success:

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