Stay Away from these 6 Resume Buzzwords

Avoid these resume buzzwords | Staffing Agency in ColoradoThe Employment Solutions team routinely offers guidance and advice on how to create compelling resumes that highlight a prospective employee’s positive attributes, background and skills. Your application materials are typically the first impression any employer will have of you, so it must be free of spelling and grammatical errors and written with substance versus fluff. Many individuals seeking employment will make the mistake of using words and phrases that relay no substantive information about the prospective employee, which are commonly referred to as buzzwords. These words tend to appear in resume after resume and hold little insight as to whether the candidate is a good fit for the position.

Staffing Agency in Colorado

To increase your chances of being invited to an interview, stay away from these 6 resume buzzwords unless you can provide specific examples that warrant using these words:

  1. Motivated

Writing that you are “motivated” doesn’t explain how you are motivated. Offer examples that describe how you worked hard to obtain a promotion or completed professional development courses.

  1. Highly qualified

Unless you have detailed what skills, education and experience lend to you being “highly qualified” for this particular position, you should instead summarize the ways in which you would be an asset to the company and how your unique skillset will lend to your success in the position.

  1. Problem-Solver

It’s great to be viewed as a problem-solver, yet you must give real-workplace examples from your past positions of employment that exemplify why you are particularly adept at solving problems.

  1. Leader

Stating that you are a leader along with an example of leadership is a perfect way to express how you can work independently, but be certain to also describe a team goal you helped reach during your career. Employers certainly want employees who can work independently, but you must also thrive in a team environment when the need arises.

  1. Flexible

This word has been terribly overused in the world of resumes and it’s best to look for another way to describe your willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed in the workplace, such as taking on extra assignments or accepting overtime shifts.

  1. Accomplished

As with the other buzzwords above, it’s not enough to simply state you are accomplished, but you must explain in detail what goals you have accomplished.

Contact a Colorado Staffing Agency

With many locations to serve your employment needs, the staffing agencies of Employment Solutions can help individuals apply for positions with top companies and assist companies with finding qualified employees. Contact our experienced staffing agency team today and get on the road to success! Call (877) 880-4473 today!

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