Ultimate Guide for Finding a Job in A New State

Moving to a new city can be so exciting, especially after securing the right job. But, what is the most effective way to do this? Follow these easy steps, and you’ll be packing your bags and on your way in no time!

Learn all you can about the town you desire to move to, with special consideration to the feel of the community, matching your strengths with those found in the industries you’re interested in. Most cities now have Facebook pages where even more insight into the flavor and focus of the town can be gleaned. Concentrate on what strengths you have that could best match the town’s particular atmosphere.
Study the business industry even in more detail, particularly as the job scene relates to your skill set. Check places like the Chamber of Commerce or the Office of Economic Development, even LinkedIn, Indeed.com, monster.com, craigslist.com and others to see what industries might interest you.
Make an A-list of potential companies you might want to work for, and then make a B-list just in case this is needed. Dreams come true when the perfect job is found, however, sometimes, a job that meets your interests and budget might need to be obtained until “the right job” becomes available.
Study each company on your list in further detail through their websites and other social media outlets – keeping notes on each one, making sure to include all contact information.
Network using social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) to see if you have any friends or friends of friends who can help give you an understanding of the company, or companies, you are interested in or, even better, be willing to put in a good word for you.
Prioritize which companies interest you the most, all the way down to the companies that interest you the least. Eliminate companies that are no longer of interest to you.
Construct a resume that matches your skill set to their job description. Do an internet search on how to write an effective resume, studying different templates, and then choose one that best matches your personality. Underneath your name, address, phone number and email, mention that you are relocating soon and the date you’ve set for interviews, just in case your cover letter was overlooked.
Contact each company, using their preferred way of communication. If a job posting says, “Please do not call,” then do not call them. To ignore a company’s request is rude and inconsiderate and you, most likely, will not get the job because of this.
Write a cover letter, making sure the tone reflects your personality, remembering to mention when you will be coming to town for interviews and the date you will be moving. Make sure your move sounds like a “done deal” to alleviate any concerns about your move ultimately creating problems for the company. The more you eliminate concerns and appear as the person who works to make other’s lives easier, the more your work ethic will interest them.
When appropriate, follow up your resume submission with a phone call to make sure your resume was received.
After two weeks, if you have not heard back from the potential employer and an avenue has been established for contacting them, contact them using their preferred method, which is usually by email.
In the subject line of the email, put the position you applied for and your name for easy access on the part of the employer. Your email should include the hiring manager’s name. If you do not know his or her name, and phone calls are allowed, call the company and ask for the hiring manager’s name. This shows respect, professionalism and gives them a dynamite first impression.
Thank the employer for the opportunity to apply. Ask if there are any updates on the position, thank him or her for their time, and then put your name, phone number and email in the bottom left-hand corner.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, until your job is in place, and then, start packing!

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