The Value of LinkedIn in Business Networking

Most people see LinkedIn as a place to display your resume — a place for job seekers to network with employers and industry leaders. But LinkedIn is also a great business networking tool that can help you grow your business and business opportunities . With well over 100 million users, it’s an online tool that provides you with many connections

Why Use LinkedIn for Business Networking?

LinkedIn offers many social features that help you expand your network. These features include:

  • A built-in email system that allows you to exchange messages with your connections. Keeping in touch with your contacts is a smart way to keep your connection fresh.
  • A timeline that displays your recent activity. Your connections can see what you’re up to, so you stay present in their minds.
  • Third party apps that allow you share more information with your connections. This allows you to connect with your contacts in more meaningful ways.
  • LinkedIn Answers that allows you to ask and answer other users’ questions on a myriad of business topics. Answering questions establishes you as an authority in your industry.
  • The ability to join LinkedIn groups, which are special interest forums related to your industry and specific organizations. This helps you expand your network.
  • The ability to request recommendations and recommend others you’ve worked with. Recommendations help vouch for your qualifications and skills, adding to your credibility.

When you use these features to your advantage, you can attract connections that truly matter and facilitate new business opportunities.

LinkedIn also offers you the opportunity to make yourself more approachable to contacts. Sending a quick private reply to new connections will help you accumulate meaningful contacts. Adding a video to your profile will bring your profile to life.

For many, LinkedIn groups is the most useful networking tool. Groups give you the opportunity to connect with the right people and get the conversation started. Joining groups with a large number of active users is one of the best ways to take advantage of this networking feature. And if you engage with others in the group, you will connect with others who can help your business reach its goals.

Have questions about generating business connections?

Employment Solutions has business connections throughout Colorado and Ohio. Contact us today to discover new business opportunities (877) 880-4473!



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