Exciting announcement: We now have a resume writing experience in our Denver office!

By Sarah Ash5 Steps to Landing Your Dream Job | Jobs in Denver | Employment Solutions Staffing Agency

A resume is the best way to summarize all your work experience, and it gives potential employers a quick snapshot of who you are and what kinds of work you’re interested in as well.

But what if you’ve never had a resume before? We now have a great resource in our Denver office where you can build one!

Meghan, our Associate Services Representative in Denver explains:

“We understand that if you are seeking a manufacturing job, you may not be an expert linguist and document editor, but we still want to ensure we’re able to offer you the best opportunities we have available that meet your needs and skills, and if that means you need a resume, we want to offer you the resources in order to help push you to that next level!”

So how does it work? Meghan fills us in:

“The ResumeMaker software works in a question-answer format that allows you to input information and come out of it with a beautifully formatted document, so it’s simple to use. The software comes with thousands of phrases and keywords you can use or reference, so your resume looks and sounds professional, and templates and tools to help build a complete overview of your relevant skills and work history that makes the most sense for the industry you’re looking to work in. Best of all, we are training our office staff on the software to be able to help answer any questions you may have and get a professional opinion!”

We hope that this helps all our associates feel even more prepared for any job they interview for, whether through us or beyond!

Call us today at 303-455-4414 to make an appointment with a staffing specialist and make sure to ask about the resume tool when you call!

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